Blending and Keeping Track

Here's where you can git yer learnin' on...maybe some rolling instruction from our resident torcedors, leafy lessons from Craig, or recommendations from the rest of us....
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Horn Tootin' Torcedor
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Blending and Keeping Track

Post by Stewmuse » Fri Aug 01, 2014 6:50 pm

Once you get going, you will most likely want to keep track of the leaf in the cigars you roll. That way, when you find a "winner" you can recreate it consistently, or even if you want to tweak it. Make a chart of each leaf type used and the relative amount per cigar. Here is an example chart i made when I was only using Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos. The numbers represent the number of whole leaves used in each type.
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Stay smokey, my friends.

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